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Voices - Bhutan


Lama Yeshi Dorji

To keep running the nunnery is challenging. Some nuns get discouraged and leave. Likewise I get discouraged. Each time BNF came, the nuns and I are re-energized. I feel more encouraged with FFM’s support and in their valuing us. This has encouraged us and planted the seed in our mind to make the best of what we have …


-- Head Monk Teacher Lama Yeshi Dorji of Shedrup Choling nunnery who founded the nunnery 10 years ago at the request of the local community, and who had compassionately donated one of his kidneys to his friend’s mother so that she could continue farming and earn a livelihood.

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Yoesel Choling Nunnery - By Lopen Tashi Choden

It is beyond our imagination that anyone would come half round the world to support us. Our spirits are uplifted and we are humbled.


-- Spiritual Teacher Lopen Tashi Choden of Yoesel Choling nunnery

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Samten Choling Nunnery - By Ani Kunzang

I am relieved that from the money we received from our Singapore supporters will help to buy cooking oil, salt, eggs and lentil for the nuns’ nutrition. I never realized that when Meme (our late Spiritual Teacher) was alive, there was so much mental comfort; I never worried much about where the food items would come or anything like that but after he passed away, it worried me. Also before Firefly’s funds came in, we did not have money to buy sugar and milk for tea. The younger nuns like to drink tea with milk but we were not able to provide them the milk and sugar for their tea. But after we received the support from our Singapore donors, I was happy to be able to buy sugar and milk for the tea for the nuns and they were happy to have tea breaks. I thank our unknown donors from other side of the world for their kind support. Please tell them that the only way we can repay their generosity is by saying prayers for their well being.


-- Ani Kunzang Choden, Head Nun of Samten Choling nunnery

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