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Trail of the Buddha 2024 - briefing

Yee Kong

24 Aug 2024

1st Briefing at Uttamayanmuni Buddhist Temple (UBT) completed

FFM completed our first briefing to our participants for the Dec 2024 India Pilgrimage. The event was held at Uttamayanmuni Buddhist Temple (UBT) from 2pm to 5pm. In this session, Sis Lay Hoon shared about the Emergence, Decline, Fall & Revival of Buddhism in India. Bro Meng Seng and Sis Michelle talks about the visa application and some of the trip information.

FFM will held the second briefing on 2 Nov 2024 and the topic will be on "Maximizing one's experience from a Buddhist Pilgrimage" at UBT.

Beauty memory was capture by Bro Chung Peng and more photos can be found here:

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