Becoming a Member
Volunteering for Firefly Mission
Firefly Mission is fully volunteer-driven.
We welcome all persons regardless of gender, religion and race, to join us as Volunteers….as long as you share our passion to help the needy and eliminate suffering of the deprived, with love, compassion, joy and selfless giving.
Guided by our values of sincerity, integrity, respect, humility and gratitude, our key focus are in Education, Healthcare and Community Welfare.
You may participate in our projects in Singapore or overseas. ...together we light up the world !
Better still, join us as a member and walk the journey with us!
FFM Membership
An important criterion for FFM membership is active participation in the activities of FFM. Such participation may take the form of any of the following:
a) Volunteering in overseas humanitarian missions that carry out projects aimed at
disaster reliefs and reconstruction work
bringing aid and assistance to those who live in deprived conditions. The projects may include the construction of schools, clinics and other infrastructural facilities as well as sponsorship of activities of a social and educational nature
b) Volunteering in FFM projects and events carried out for residents in local welfare homes
c) Contributing towards the sponsorship schemes undertaken by FFM to support the work of institutions or organisations that take care of the maintenance needs of under-privileged children. Such sponsorship schemes may include supporting individuals in their efforts to upgrade themselves in such areas as vocational training, educational pursuits and spiritual development.
Members are not required to pay a subscription fee. Their memberships are valid for two (2) years and are automatically renewed each time they participate in any of the FFM activities described above. It follows that the membership will lapse for anyone who has not participated in FFM activities for more than two years. (For audit purposes, the two years should cover the lapse of two FFM financial years, each beginning on 1st December and ending on 30th November the following year.) Other than the projects and activities described above, FFM also organises overseas trips that are not in relation to humanitarian purposes, such as meditation retreats and Kathina celebrations. Participation in such trips do not count towards membership qualification or renewal.
Application for Membership
Any person above the age of 21 may apply to be a member of FFM. Students and others below the age of 21 may apply to be associate members. (Associate members do not have the right to vote at the general meetings of FFM).
Application may be made in the prescribed form available here.
All applications are subject to the approval of the FFM Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee may waive the participation criterion described above to extend memberships to suitable persons who have contributed to FFM in other ways.